Handbook for EOR Services
Key Procedures for Managing EOR Professionals
Professionals provide services to you as a client of GX and you have full direction and control over their day-to-day activities, so you are free to line manage them alongside other members of your team. However, you are not the legal employer of the professional and there are several key procedures to ensure that the relationship is managed successfully.
Essentially anything related to a professional’s contract of employment must be administered through the legal employer of that professional. GX is here to handle this aspect and mitigate any associated risks.
In terms of the employment lifecycle of a professional providing services, here are the stages that must be taken into account:
- Initiating services from a professional
- Amending terms of a professional’s role
- Terminating services from a professional
- Professional initiated termination
You will not be the legal employer of the professional and you will not be a party to the employment contract with the professional. You have no right to execute, amend, or terminate the employment contract.
Initiating services from a professional
Once you have identified the professional that you want to provide services then you must notify GX immediately with details of the role they will fill. We will manage the end-to-end process from making the offer of employment through to signing the employment contract with the in-country legal entity that will employ them.
Initiating services process
- You confirm the role details with the proposed professional.
- You submit your New Employee Initiation Form in GX1.
- Your Client Services Manager contacts you to clarify any details and notify you of any legal requirements due to local employment laws.
- GX issues the formal offer of employment to the professional.
- After notice from GX, you may contact the professional to discuss onboarding and other activities related to the services they will provide.
- Terms and conditions of the employment contract are finalised between all parties.
- GX issues the Schedule Form to you (template available here).
- You sign the Schedule Form.
- The professional signs their employment contract.
- The professional is now under contract to provide services to you from the start date of their employment with the local entity.
You will not enter into an employment contract with the professional, this will be done by GX’s local entity.
Amending terms of a professional’s role
You may choose to amend the terms of a professional’s role, and this may affect their employment contract and require a contract amendment. Contract amendments include, but are not limited to:
- Start date changes (where future dated)
- End date changes (for fixed term contracts)
- Title or role changes
- Level or seniority changes
- Job description changes
- Salary or compensation changes
- GHours of work changes (full-time and/or part-time details)
- Employee benefits changes
Amending terms process
- You notify GX of your intended changes.
- Your Client Services Manager contacts you to clarify any details and notify you of any legal requirements due to local employment laws.
- GX issues the contract amendment to the professional.
- The professional signs the contract amendment.
- The amended terms come into effect.
You are not a party to, and have no right to amend, the employment contract with the professional.
Terminating services from a professional
You may choose to terminate the services from a professional however you must never discuss this directly with the professional before notifying GX and receiving guidance on the process and next steps.
Different jurisdictions have different legal protections for employees that may result in significant financial implications that you are liable for under your contract with GX. It is vital that any termination is compliant with the relevant laws and regulations and GX is here to handle the process and mitigate these risks on your behalf.
Terminations may be affected by the professional’s situation with regards to Paid Time Off and other statutory rights in their country of employment. GX will manage the end-to-end process and you will be informed of all aspects of the termination, and you may be required to make certain decisions through the process to complete the termination.
Terminating services process
- You notify GX of your intention to terminate services and the business rationale for this termination.
- Your Client Services Manager contacts you to clarify any details and notify you of any legal requirements due to local employment laws.
- Additional legal advice may be required to complete the termination. GX will notify you if this is required and provide estimates of any additional costs. You must approve these costs before the termination proceeds.
- GX notifies the professional of the termination.
- After notice from GX, you may contact the professional to discuss the termination.
- Terms and conditions of the termination are finalised between all parties.
- GX issues termination documents to the professional.
- The professional signs the termination documents, if required.
- GX processes the final payroll for salary and any other compensation or severance payments included in the termination.
- The professional is offboarded on the termination date.
You are not a party to, and have no right to terminate, the employment contract with the professional.
Process variations
- The process and timeframes may vary depending on local employment laws and regulations in the country of employment.
- Every termination is unique and must factor in country specific requirements, employment history and the context and rationale for the termination.
- GX will guide you through the process however terminations may not adhere to expected timescales because of the factors above.
Professional initiated termination
The professional may choose to terminate the services and GX will notify you immediately if they serve notice to terminate their employment contract.
Occasionally the professional may notify you directly of this intention. In these instances, you must inform GX immediately so that we can confirm this with the professional and ensure the employment contract is terminated per the terms of the employment contract, applicable laws, and any relevant local requirements.
You are not a party to, and cannot terminate, the employment contract with the professional.
Role Proposal for Candidate EOR Professionals
Prior to completing the Schedule Form, you must ensure your preferred candidate has agreed to the proposed role they will perform. GX provides the following template to capture details of the role and minimise the risk of any potential misinterpretation that you are making an offer of employment to the professional.
Role Proposal Template
Company Letterhead
Dear [FULL NAME]It is our pleasure to present you with the details of the following role through our Employer of Record (EOR) Global Expansion (GX). Your role will be to provide services to [CLIENT NAME].
Role DetailsYou will fulfil the role of [ROLE TITLE]. Your duties will be contained within a role description, to be issued to you, and your role and duties may change from time to time.
Compensation- [AMOUNT] per [year / month].
- [AMOUNT] per [month / quarter / year] based on [CRITERIA].
- [MONTHS] months from the start date of your role.
- [MONTHS] months to leave your role.
- [DAYS] per year.
This role is subject to the following conditions [ADD / DELETE AS APPROPRIATE]:
- Successful completion of background screening.
- Receiving satisfactory references.
- Your eligibility to work in the location where you will deliver the role.
Upon confirmation of your role details, you will be contacted by Global Expansion, our EOR service provider, who will present a formal offer of employment and complete the required contract of employment and other formalities required for you to start your role.
I hope you will accept this role and we are excited at the prospect of you working with the team and contributing to the future success of [CLIENT NAME].
Your sincerely,
For and on behalf of [CLIENT NAME]