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Introduction to EOR Services

Employer of Record (EOR) services create a stronger relationship between you and your team when compared to the alternatives of consultancy or independent contractor relationships. Each professional on the service receives all the advantages of permanent employment, such as Paid Time Off (PTO), sick pay, pension contributions, health insurance, life insurance and other fringe benefits.

Global Expansion, as the Employer of Record, owns the contractual employment relationship with your team of professionals. We are accountable for compliance with local, country-level employment laws, including other statutory employment requirements, and payroll, tax and social security withholdings and contributions.

However, most importantly, you own all day-to-day management of your team, and your business line managers direct their work, approve requests for time off, approve expense reimbursements and manage performance in their role.

Note on terminology

The “professionals” referred to above are the individuals we employ on your behalf. Throughout this Handbook you will find references to “professionals” and “employees” and, in every instance, these are individuals employed through GX, or one of our local partners, that are working for you, our clients.

Associate Segment